Take a Walk in Nature

Sometimes we need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and take a walk in nature to restore and renew our energy. 🌿🌳 I love taking a stroll through the woods, breathing in the fresh air, and being surrounded by the beauty of nature. 🍃 It’s a great way to […]
Time to restock your seed supply!

It’s time to restock your seed supply! 🌱🌱 Now that the warmer weather is here, it’s the perfect time to head to your local garden supply store and pick out some new seeds for your garden. 🌻 Spring is the perfect season to get your garden growing and to add some new herbs to your […]
Don’t forget to pick up some seedlings!

Spring is the perfect time to plan and plant your garden! 🌱 Now that you’ve sorted your seeds and bought new ones, don’t forget to also pick up some seedlings to get a jumpstart on your garden and help your plants get a head start on the growing season. 🌱 Planting your herbs and vegetables […]